brilliant info

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Visit to the US Airforce Academy cadet chapel, Colorado Spring, CO

1. At the enterance of the academy 2. Airforce plane display at the terrazzo
3. Inside the protestant chapel 4. Inside the jewish chapel 5. 200 years old Torah scroll 6. Inside the catholic chapel

August 4, 2005
A Protestant chapel, a Catholic chapel and a Jewish Chapel under one roof!
That's not all. This building has interfaith rooms for other religions too. That's what I saw during my visit to the US Airforce Academy cadet chapel, Colorado Spring, Colorado.

It is a huge "A" frame metal building. The actual sanctuary has 90 ft ceiling. The building houses three different religious worship places. The Upper level is a Protestant chapel which has a 1,200 seating capacity. Chapel has beautiful stain glass work on the wall. The pipe organ on upper level of the church is simply humongous. Haven't seen anything like this!

The Catholic chapel is located at the lower level with a capacity of 500 seats. It has two beautiful mosaic angels, which is a highlight of this chapel. The side-walls have carved Stations of the Cross images surrounded by coloured glass work.

The 100-seat Jewish chapel is located behind the Catholic chapel, which one can miss out easily. The walls of this chapel are made out of vertical shape glass. There is a Torah scroll that is 200 years old. The scroll has survived the horror of the Nazi-occupied Europe.

The scroll was found in 1989 in an abandoned factory building in Czestochowa, Poland. It was given to the US air force academy on April 29, 1990, as a memorial to the 6,000,000 Jews who were killed by the Nazis and in memory of a world, who placed their love and their faith in their children and in their grand children. Even more interesting part of this chapel is that floor that is made out of stone blocks were brought from the Holy land.


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